
Baton Rouge Truck Driver Negligence Lawyer

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Baton Rouge Truck Driver Negligence Attorney

Information & What To Do

In 2018, 4,136 people died in truck accidents. Even though truck drivers operate a vehicle that can weigh up to 88,000 pounds, not all truckers take the safety of others seriously. They engage in dangerous driving behaviors such as speeding, texting, eating, drinking, driving drowsy, and driving under the influence. Though some truck accidents cannot be prevented, negligence can always be avoided. If you or someone you know has been involved in a truck accident caused by driver negligence the personal injury attorneys at Murphy Law Firm. We understand the complexity of your situation and have decades of experience on how to handle it. You may qualify for compensation to help with medical bills, lost wages, or any other cost related to the truck accident. Learn more about your rights and how we can help by contacting the personal injury attorneys at Murphy Law Firm for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation at (225) 928-8800.

Why Hire a Personal Injury Attorney at Murphy Law Firm?

Following a truck accident, it is imperative that you speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. The law limits the amount of time you have to seek compensation after a car wreck. Accident investigations are most accurate when conducted immediately after the crash. If you wait too long to act, you could lose your chance to seek justice for your damages. The personal injury lawyers at Murphy Law Firm have over two decades of experience dealing with truck accident cases and strive to receive the highest compensation for their clients.

Types of Driver Negligence

Truck driver negligence can be described as virtually anything that a reasonable and prudent professional would not have done in similar circumstances.

Common types of truck driver negligence includes:

  • Speeding or Breaking Other Roadway Rules – According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration “speeding of any kind” is the number one truck-driver error involved in serious accidents.
  • Distraction – To save time, a truck driver might try to multitask behind the wheel, taking phone calls or eating fast food. Anything that takes the driver’s hands off the wheels, eyes off the road, or mind off driving is a dangerous distraction.
  • Driver Impairment
  • Fatigue
  • Illness
  • Substance-related impairment is the third most common truck driver error. The legal blood alcohol concentration level for commercial drivers in Louisiana is 0.04%

The experienced truck accident attorneys at Murphy Law Firm know trucking companies are reluctant to hand over DQF files, especially if the files contain information affecting the liability of the trucking company or their driver.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations mandate that every trucking company maintains a driver qualification file (DQF) on all drivers. The following must be included in a DQF:

Critical Reasons # of Trucks % of Total
Driver 68,000 67
Non-Performance 9,000 12
Recognition 22,000 28
Decision 30,000 38
Performance 7,000 9
Vehicle 8,000 10
Environment 2,000 3
# of Large Trucks Involved in Crashes 141,000
Large Trucks Coded w/ Critical Reason 78,000
Large Trucks Not Coded w/ Critical Reason 63,000

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Here are the statistics on the most common causes of truck accidents:

Factors # of Trucks % of Total Relative Risk
Vehicle: Brake problems 41,000 29 2.7
Driver: Traveling too fast for conditions 32,000 23 7.7
Driver: Unfamiliar with roadway 31,000 22 2.0
Environment: Roadway problems 29,000 20 1.9
Driver: Over-the-counter drug use 25,000 17 1.3
Driver: Inadequate surveillance 20,000 14 9.3
Driver: Fatigue 18,000 13 8.0
Driver: Felt under work pressure from carrier 16,000 10 4.7
Driver: Made illegal maneuver 13,000 9 26.4
Driver: Inattention 12,000 9 17.1
Driver: External distraction 11,000 8 5.1
Vehicle: Tire problems 8,000 6 2.5
Driver: Following too close 7,000 5 22.6
Driver: Jackknife 7,000 5 4.7
Vehicle: Cargo shift 6,000 4 56.3
Driver: Illness 4,000 3 34
Driver: Internal distraction 3,000 2 5.8
Driver: Illegal drugs 3,000 2 1.8
Driver: Alcohol 1,000 1 1.3

Our personal injury attorneys know how to investigate all of the factors associated with a truck accident. Some factors may include, whether the driver had consumed drugs or alcohol, how much time the driver was on the road since his last break, information recorded by the trucks’ black box (such as the truck’s speed when brakes were applied, velocity changes, sudden braking, changes in RPM’s, and gear shifts, and information gathered from a GPS device to show the trucks precise location and speed.)

Who is Liable for Truck Driver Negligence?

It’s not uncommon for trucking companies to try and avoid liability. They may claim the driver was not working for their company, or that they do not actually own the truck, specifically claiming that they are not responsible for the operation, maintenance, repairs, or regular inspections of the truck or trailer. Mistakes can happen, but truck driver negligence can be prevented. When you discover that a truck driver was negligent in some way causing your accident, you might assume the driver alone is the only party that can be liable for damages. Thanks to the rule of respondent superior, this might not be the case. Although most truckers are technically independent contractors and not employees, the law holds trucking companies responsible for the action of their drivers. Thus, truck driver negligence and recklessness during on-duty driving hours could place liability in the lap of the trucking company, not just the individual driver.

Do not go up against a trucking company’s insurer on your own. Make sure you achieve the settlement or jury verdict your injuries deserve with help from our truck accident attorneys. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation or Call at (225) 928-8800 .

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When you choose Murphy Law Firm, you gain access to a team of experienced attorneys with a proven track record of success. We understand the importance of trust, and we strive to build lasting relationships with our clients by delivering exceptional results.

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