
Baton Rouge Car Accident Statistics

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Baton Rouge Car Accident Statistics

Car accidents are among the most common causes of personal injury, and they happen nearly every day. A car wreck can cause minor scrapes, or it can lead to severe injuries and death. Even drivers who remain safe and cautious on the road can find themselves in an accident. Therefore, it can still be helpful to understand the Baton Rouge car accident statistics so you can be aware of more hazardous locations.

Baton Rouge Car Collisions

In Baton Rouge, there were 40 reported fatal crashes in 2023, down from 49 in 2022, according to Louisiana State University’s Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety (CARTS). There were 3,326 suspected injury collisions in the city, down from 3,801 in 2022.

Impaired Driving in Baton Rouge and East Baton Rouge Parish

Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol greatly increases the chances of an accident. Drivers are less likely to be making rational decisions, and they will have slower reaction speeds. Driving under the influence leads to increased civil penalties as well as criminal penalties.

Eight of the 40 reported fatal crashes in Baton Rouge were alcohol-related. Out of the 2023 injury crashes, 220 of them are suspected to be alcohol-related.

In East Baton Rouge Parish, 17 of the 69 fatal crashes were alcohol-related in 2023, amounting to 24.64%. This was a decrease in the number of fatal alcohol-related crashes from the previous year and a lowered percentage of overall fatal crashes.

There were 345 suspected injury-inducing alcohol-related crashes, making up 7% of the total suspected injury crashes. The number of these crashes decreased, but the percentage of overall injury crashes increased.

Distracted Driving in East Baton Rouge Parish

Distracted driving is a common cause of collisions. Distractions such as eating, grooming, or dealing with a navigational system can take eyes or focus off the road, making an accident more likely. In most cases where distracted driving was involved in a collision in East Baton Rouge Parish, the exact distraction was unknown. One fatal crash out of 37 in the parish was caused by a cell phone.

40 out of the 1,585 suspected injury crashes were also caused by a cell phone. 23 injury collisions were caused by distraction from a passenger or other non-motorist. Six were caused by a different electronic device.

Other East Baton Rouge Parish Car Collision Statistics

In East Baton Rouge Parish, there was a fatal crash rate of 1.50 per 100,000 population in 2023 and a suspected injury crash rate of 107.50. There were 69 fatal crashes in the parish in 2023, resulting in 73 fatalities. 4,932 suspected injury crashes also occurred, causing 8,046 suspected injuries. Furthermore, there were 15,342 crashes where there were no apparent injuries.

Of the fatal crashes reported in the entire state, East Baton Rouge Parish made up 9.14%. The parish had the highest number of fatal crashes, with Orleans Parish having the next-highest at 7.81%. Within those fatal crashes in East Baton Rouge Parish, there were 38 driver fatalities and nine passenger fatalities. These crashes also caused 24 pedestrian deaths and two bicyclist deaths.

Car Accidents in the State

In Louisiana overall, there were 755 fatal crashes and 38,140 suspected injury crashes in 2023. Looking at the first harmful event of those collisions, 73.87% involved collisions with a moving motor vehicle. This made up 28,434 suspected injury collisions and 297 fatal collisions.

Out of all the fatal crashes in the state, the first harmful event in 18.54% of them was a collision with a pedestrian, the next most common after a collision with a vehicle in motion. Of the suspected injury crashes, the next-most common cause of suspected injury crashes was colliding with a ditch, which made up 3.64% of total injury collisions.


Where Are Most Car Accidents Located in Louisiana?

Most car accidents in Louisiana occur on state highways, followed by city streets. The greatest number of accidents in Louisiana are located in big cities, including New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Rural Jefferson, Lafayette, Shreveport, and other large cities. With more residents, tourists, and drivers, the number of accidents increases. New Orleans had a suspected 4,603 injury crashes in 2023, Baton Rouge had 3,326, and Rural Jefferson had 2,475.

What City in Louisiana Is the Most Accident-Prone?

New Orleans is the most accident-prone city in Louisiana, according to 2023 CARTS data, which lists 4,603 suspected injury crashes and 59 fatal crashes. Baton Rouge had the next-highest number of suspected injury crashes at 3,326, along with 40 reported fatal crashes.

Crash rates are outlined by parish, and St. Helena Parish had the highest rate, with a rate of 109.75 per 100,000 licensed drivers and a rate of 1,470.59 suspected injury crashes. These rates are significantly higher than in other parishes.

Where Are the Highest Chances of a Collision in Louisiana?

The highest chances of a collision in Louisiana are on state highways. In 2023, 326 fatal crashes and 12,640 suspected injury crashes occurred on state highway out of a total of 755 fatal collisions and 38,140 suspected injury collisions. U.S. highways and interstates saw the next-highest number of fatal crashes, but the second-greatest number of suspected injury crashes occurred on city streets, with 9,720 suspected injury crashes.

What Time of Day Do Most Fatal Car Accidents Occur in Louisiana?

The time of day when most fatal car accidents occur in Louisiana was between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., according to CARTS data from 2023. This hour of the day saw 54 fatal accidents or 7.15% of fatal accidents that occurred that year. The other most common times for fatal accidents in 2023 were:

  • Between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., with 6.39%
  • Between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m., with 6.23%
  • Between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., with 6.09%

Trust in a Skilled Car Accident Attorney

When someone else is to blame for your car accident and injuries, you can recover your losses with a car insurance claim. The support of an experienced car accident attorney is instrumental in this process. With a lawyer, you are more likely to succeed in your claim, and you could also get the most compensation possible. If you have been in a car collision, contact Murphy Law Firm.

About The Author

Peyton Murphy

Peyton Murphy, is the founder of Murphy Law Firm, LLC, based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, specializing in personal injury law. Peyton obtained his law degree from the prestigious Tulane School of Law in 1991 and has been licensed to practice law in Louisiana since 1993. With over 28 years of experience, Peyton is dedicated to representing injured victims and actively contributing to his community. Education: Obtained his law degree from Tulane School of Law in 1991. Professional Associations: Member of the Louisiana State Bar and active in the Baton Rouge Bar Association and the Louisiana Association for Justice. Experience: Founder of Murphy Law Firm, LLC, with extensive experience in personal injury law and licensed in multiple federal courts and the U.S. Supreme Court.

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