
Denham Springs Dog Bite Lawyer

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Denham Springs Dog Bite Attorney

Dogs are a common pet, loved by many individuals. Unfortunately, dogs can cause serious injuries if they bite or attack someone. Dog attacks can cause puncture wounds, broken bones, and infections. If the dog knocks someone to the ground or from a height, they may even suffer traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries. A skilled Denham Springs dog bite lawyer can assist in these cases. Contact our legal team at Murphy law Firm today to book your free consultation.

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Defending Dog Bite Victims in Denham Springs

Dog bite claims need to be filed soon after an incident, or you may lose evidence or be unable to file at all. Unfortunately, it is hard to prove a dog owner liable and file a claim when you are dealing with a serious injury.

When you work with legal representation, your attorney can handle this process for you. At Murphy Law Firm, we have helped many people get the compensation they deserve after a serious injury. We can navigate your case to help you recover medical bills and other losses.

Our firm has more than 30 years of experience in personal injury law, including dog bite cases. We understand the state’s dog bite laws and when you have the grounds to hold a dog owner liable for your injuries. Our team can provide you with compassionate support during this difficult and traumatic time. We know each case is unique, and we apply our experience as a personal injury lawyer to your specific situation.

Denham Springs Dog Bite Lawyer

Damages You Could Claim After a Dog Bite

Dog owners are not automatically liable for all of their dog’s damages in Louisiana. Instead, owners are liable when they negligently fail their duty of care. If you can prove that a dog owner failed to take appropriate care to prevent your injuries, you can hold them liable for the damages you sustained as a result. The damages you can recover in a claim are proportional to the damages you sustained in the incident, both economic and non-economic. Dog bite laws in Louisiana require proof of negligence on the part of the owner, which may include failure to restrain the dog, failure to properly warn others of the dog’s aggressive tendencies, or allowing the dog to roam freely.

Economic damages are financial losses that can be objectively measured. These can include:

  • Medical Bills: Your compensation can cover the medical costs related to the injuries you suffered, including surgeries, medication, and other treatment needs. It can also cover future medical costs if your treatment is ongoing. If your injuries have anticipated complications in the future, this should also be included.
  • Lost Wages: If the time you are unable to work due to your injuries costs you income, this can be compensated.
  • Lost Earning Capacity: If you are unable to work again or are unable to work full time, compensation should consider your lost earning capacity. This is the amount you would have earned throughout your lifetime if you had not been injured.

Non-economic damages are subjective damages, recovering for emotional and psychological damages. These can include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Disfigurement
  • Scarring
  • Disability
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

The value of non-economic damages is based on many factors, including the value of your economic losses and how significantly your injuries will affect the rest of your life. Non-economic damages and losses in the future are harder to calculate. This can result in injured individuals undervaluing their claim.

The Importance of an Experienced Attorney

Working with an attorney can prevent this, as an attorney has a lot of experience calculating these losses and determining the entirety of the costs of an injury. While every claim is unique, dog bites and attacks have some common resulting injuries. This means that attorneys may have seen injuries like yours before and know how to calculate the long-term needs and potential complications of the injury.


What Does a Level 2 Dog Bite Look Like?

A level 2 dog bite refers to a dog bite injury that does not deeply puncture skin but results in contact by teeth and may result in slight bleeding from minor lacerations. This is based on the Dunbar dog bite scale, which helps injured individuals and those involved in a dog bite case determine the severity of a dog bite compared to other types of dog bite injuries.

What Are the Dog Bite Laws in Louisiana?

The dog bite laws in Louisiana state that a dog owner is liable for damages done by their dog if they fail to take reasonable care. If the injured party did not provoke the animal, the owner should have taken reasonable care, and did not, the dog’s owner is strictly liable. Louisiana law also defines what a dangerous dog is, and what owners must do to properly restrain and register a dangerous dog.

Why Do Dog Bites Need to Be Reported?

Dog bites need to be reported to protect the health and safety of the public, ensure that a dangerous dog is properly restrained and checked for disease, and prevent further individuals from being injured. For the injured individuals themselves, dog bites should be reported so that they receive the necessary medical treatment, including treatment for rabies or other infectious diseases that could be fatal. Dogs that bite must be confined to check for signs of infectious diseases. If you are a victim of a dog bite in Denham Springs, Louisiana, it’s essential to report the incident to local authorities and seek legal advice to protect your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Do I Need to Get Checked If a Dog Bites Me?

Yes, you should get checked if a dog bites you. Serious dog bite injuries can be life-threatening and require medical attention. Even minor injuries can result in infection. Certain infectious diseases spread by dog bites can be fatal. Rabies and tetanus can develop from dog bite puncture wounds.

Getting medical care is necessary for your own health and physical well-being. It is also important to have an official record of the incident and the cause of your injuries.

Get Help With Your Dog Bite Case Today at Murphy Law Firm

The injuries from a dog attack can range from minor lacerations to severe puncture wounds, infection, broken bones, and permanent scarring. When these injuries should have been prevented by the dog’s owner, you can hold them accountable. Let Murphy Law Firm help. Contact our firm today if you or a loved one has been injured by a dog attack.

Your Path to Legal Resolution Starts with Murphy Law Firm.

When you choose Murphy Law Firm, you gain access to a team of experienced attorneys with a proven track record of success. We understand the importance of trust, and we strive to build lasting relationships with our clients by delivering exceptional results.

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