
Baton Rouge Roundup Lawsuit lawyer

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Baton Rouge Roundup Lawsuit & Cancer Attorney

Roundup, a popular herbicide created by Monsanto, has been at the center of numerous legal battles due to it containing glyphosate. Although it’s quite effective at killing weeds, the risks associated with Roundup have led to numerous legal claims due to adverse health effects felt by its users. If you are experiencing health problems due to Roundup, consider speaking to a skilled Baton Rouge Roundup lawsuit lawyer to understand your options for a claim.

Information & What To Do

Dangerous chemicals are all around us. Some of the most dangerous chemicals used in and around our homes are herbicides and pesticides.

A jury in California has recently returned a $2,055,000,000.00 verdict in favor of an elderly couple who proved that they both became ill with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a dangerous form of cancer, after prolonged exposure to Roundup, a popular weed killer and herbicide manufactured by Bayer’s subsidiary, Monsanto.

Two other successful jury verdicts also came out of California – in March 2019, a jury in San Francisco District Court awarded $80 Million to Mr. Edwin Hardeman, who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and in August 2018, a California jury awarded $289 Million to Mr. Dewayne Johnson, who developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

About Roundup

Science and Medicine of Roundup

The World Health Organization issued a report in 2015 that the active ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate, is “probably carcinogenic to humans”. The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine published an April 2016 study concluding that herbicides including glyphosate are linked to a higher risk of cutaneous melanoma, a dangerous skin cancer.

People who have health concerns as a result of their exposure to Roundup and/or glyphosate should know their rights. Contact a personal injury attorney in Louisiana if you or a loved one have fallen victim to Roundup Weedkiller. Attorneys at Murphy Law Firm are experienced in handling such cases.

Roundup Litigation

To date, the wave of about 13,400 lawsuits across the country against Bayer and Monsanto have not been grouped together as class actions, which means that each individual case will be heard, if it proceeds to trial, on its own merits. This means that the only way to ensure you can have your day in court is to consult with an experienced trial attorney who can examine the unique nature of your situation and determine how strong your case would be in a court of law.

In some cases, jurors have been provided with internal company documents showing that Monsanto knew for decades that glyphosate, a primary ingredient in Roundup, could cause cancer.

What Have Juries Learned?

Among the many revelations that have become evidence at trials:

  • Monsanto was aware that Roundup contains surfactants which are much more toxic than glyphosate by itself
  • Monsanto spent millions on a sock puppets and other covert PR measures to finance ghostwritten articles and studies to discredit independent scientists whose studies found Monsanto’s chemicals to be dangerous
  • Monsanto lobbied EPA officials with trips and dinners to help delay the review being conducted by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
  • Monsanto’s lobbying efforts have paid off with EPA officials who have repeatedly supported Monsanto despite evidence that glyphosate causes cancer risks
  • The company uses internal safety warnings for its workers but fail to warn the consumer public to do the same

Effects on Human Health

Roundup is garnering so much media coverage across the U.S. and the world because of a growing body of scientific and medical studies that make clear a link between glyphosate and serious health problems that impact Americans every day, such as:

  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Obesity
  • Breast Cancer
  • Childhood brain cancer
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Celiac Disease
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Chrohn’s Disease
  • ADHD
  • Diabetes
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Many forms of Cancer
  • Male Reproductive Issues

“Health agencies and credible non-industry experts who’ve reviewed this question have all found a link between glyphosate and cancer,” said Jennifer Sass, Senior Scientist with Natural Resources Defense Council.

The U.S. Department of Health’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry just released an April 2019 toxicology report for glyphosate determining it to be a dangerous chemical.

“The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry found that skin or dermal contact is the “major route of exposure” for people who spray glyphosate formulations like Roundup,” said Bill Freese, Science Policy Analyst at Center for Food Safety.

The ATSDR April 2019 Toxicological Profile for Glyphosate

The Agency’s new study goes on to suggest that additional research must done in a number of areas – including effects of inhalation of glyphosate, its impact on the development of male reproductive organs, and potential risks to our precious children.

Collectively, animals studies in which glyphosate-containing herbicide formulations were tested by the oral exposure route have identified the targets of toxicity.

  • Body weight effect (depressed body weigh gain in mice),
  • Hematological effects (decreases in red blood cells, hematocrit, and hemoglobin, and increases in mean corpuscular volume and neutrophils in mice),
  • Hepatic effects (increased serum liver enzyme activity and histopathologic liver lesions in male rats),
  • Renal effect (histopathologic kidney lesions in male rats, and
  • Reproductive effects (increased percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm in rats).

Who is Most at Risk?

People who are most at risk are those with prolonged or repeated exposure to Roundup such as farm workers, landscapers, nursery workers, and other agricultural workers. However, people who use Roundup routinely on their lawns and gardens are also at risk if they have used Roundup routinely for several years.

Can You Still Purchase Roundup?

Many home improvement and hardware stores still carry Roundup because there was no widespread recall. The state of California officially declared glyphosate a carcinogen in 2017, but the company does not have to place warning labels on its products notifying consumers of a potential cancer risk. Instead, warnings have been added to tell users to avoid inhaling Roundup and wear long sleeves and other protective clothing while using the product.

Did You Know?

Monsanto’s Luling, Louisiana plant is the US’s largest producer of glyphosate
Diagram credit:

Have You Been Exposed to Roundup Weedkiller?

If you are a person who has become seriously ill, including being diagnosed with any type of cancer, after regular use of Roundup Weedkiller in your lawn and garden, your time to pursue legal action may be strictly limited by statutes of limitations, prescription and preemption. A consultation with an experienced Baton Rouge trial lawyer is the best way to know your rights.

The team of personal injury lawyers at Murphy Law Firm has over 150 years of combined litigation experience. We are not afraid to stand up to Monsanto, and get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries, bills, and emotional suffering. Murphy Law Firm will help you hold someone responsible for your illness as a result of exposure to Roundup. Monsanto knew this product was dangerous, and they did nothing about it. Our team of personal injury attorneys will help you fight for your rights. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.


Q: What Is Roundup, and Why Is It Dangerous?

A: Roundup is a popular herbicide and insecticide used by many individuals in the United States. Recent reports have found that glyphosate, a chemical commonly used in Roundup, is likely a cancer carcinogen and can result in negative health effects for individuals who use or are exposed to the product. Side effects include many different forms of cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Q: Who Is Most at Risk of Roundup Exposure?

A: Individuals most at risk of Roundup exposure are those who were around Roundup for long periods of time. This includes individuals who work in commercial farms and nurseries, landscapers, and other employees in the agricultural sector. Regular consumers of Roundup who have used it for their own personal property are also at risk of developing side effects due to frequent Roundup use.

Q: How Do You Prove That You Used Roundup in a Product Liability Claim?

A: To prove that you used Roundup in a product liability claim, you might have to do more than show the product in your home or place of employment. Collecting medical records of chronic conditions like non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can help prove your claims. Other important documents could include receipts or proof of purchase documents to show that you purchased Roundup. Speak with an attorney to learn more about what evidence to gather.

Q: What Should I Do If I Was Harmed by Roundup?

A: If you believe that you were harmed by Roundup, one of the most important things to do is visit a doctor to receive proof of the scope of your injuries. After going to a healthcare provider, discuss your circumstances with an attorney. They can give you a clearer idea of the options surrounding your situation and how you could recover damages associated with the illnesses you experienced as a result of using Roundup.

Don’t Let Monsanto Win

Monsanto, the company that manufactures Roundup, is a huge business that has lots of resources to protect itself against product liability claims. That’s why you need skilled representation of your own. Schedule a consultation with Murphy Law Firm today to learn more about what you can do to resolve your situation regarding Roundup. Don’t rely on a large corporation to do the right thing; take action now.

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