Baton Rouge Allergan Breast Implant Lawyer

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Baton Rouge Allergan Breast Implant Attorney

Allergan BIOCELL textured breast implants have recently come under scrutiny due to their association with a rare cancer. The FDA has requested a recall, but doing so for breast implants typically involves additional surgery, making the situation complicated. It might be possible to receive compensation to treat BIA-ALCL by contacting a skilled Baton Rouge Allergan breast implant lawyer at Murphy Law Firm to file a claim against the company.

Baton Rouge Allergan Breast Implant Lawyer

Allergan Breast Implants

Information & What To Do

Have you or a loved one been implanted with allergan biocell textured breast implants? The FDA requested that Allergan recall its BIOCELL textured breast implants and tissue expanders due to an increased risk of a rare cancer known as breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is not breast cancer, it is a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

In most cases the BIA-ALCL is found inside of the fluid and scar tissue that surrounds the implant. Treatment for these cases typically requires the removal of the implant and the scar capsule. Some women may require treatment with chemotherapy and/or radiation. However, BIA-ALCL can spread throughout the body and if not caught early enough may lead to serious injury or death.

Class Action and Recall

Allergan recalled some BIOCELL implants, but it did not fully compensate individuals with these implants because it did not pay for surgeries to replace the implants. The company only paid for the cost of replacements, even though the side effects of the implants might take a while to show up. This means that it might be necessary to file a claim against the company to receive proper compensation.


Is There a Class Action Claim Against Allergan?

There are multiple class action claims against Allergan for potential cancer-causing ingredients in their breast implants. In 2019, the class action claims were merged together into one case to help speed up the process. There might still be time to get involved in the class action settlement against Allergan. For more information and to learn if you qualify, contact a product liability attorney.

Will Allergan Pay for Implant Replacement?

Allergan will pay for the cost of the implants themselves, but it will not pay for surgery. This means that, even if an individual wants to get their implants replaced, they will have to pay for their own surgery to do so. This is why individuals have filed a class action claim against Allergan to compensate for the costs associated with surgery to replace the breast implants. You might still be able to file a claim to recover damages on your own.

How Do I Find Out If My Allergan Implants Are Part of the Recall?

To find out if your Allergan implants are part of the recall, contact your doctor or surgeon. They keep information on the type of implants they use for their patients, so they will know what implant was used for your surgery. After finding out the type and number of Allergan breast implants used, visit Allergan’s website to determine if your implants are a part of the recall and how to get them replaced if they are.

What Do I Do If I Am Diagnosed With BIA-ALCL Due to Allergan Implants?

If you are diagnosed with BIA-ALCL due to Allergan implants, discuss your options with your surgeon or healthcare provider. It might be necessary to undergo surgery or even cancer treatments to address the issue. It is also a good idea to speak to a product liability attorney in Baton Rouge after your diagnosis. They can help you understand what you can do to be compensated for the extra costs incurred due to the surgery to treat BIA-ALCL.

Avoid Future Health Complications

Stay informed about the risks associated with Allergan BIOCELL implants and BIA-ALCL. It’s important to monitor your condition with a healthcare professional to prevent grave complications. Murphy Law Firm is equipped to provide legal support and guidance for these types of claims, so schedule a consultation with our firm to discuss your case.

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