
Transvaginal Mesh Complications

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Transvaginal Mesh

The first transvaginal mesh product was introduced by Boston Scientific Corporation in the mid-1990s before the manufacturer voluntary recalled the product in 1999. Transvaginal mesh products were intended to be faster and easier alternatives to procedures aimed at correcting pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence. Pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence occur when the pelvic muscles weaken – usually following childbirth, a hysterectomy, or menopause – causing the pelvic organs (including the bladder, rectum, and uterus) to collapse into the vagina.

transvaginal mesh complications

In an effort to correct pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence, synthetic transvaginal mesh is surgically implanted into the vagina and acts as a sling that upholds the pelvic organs. Transvaginal mesh is the same mesh that has been used successfully for years in surgical hernia repairs. However, prior to being released into the healthcare market, the mesh was never tested for safety in vaginal repairs. Rather, transvaginal mesh products were approved through the FDA’s controversial 510(k) system, which is the fast-track approval system of products that are similar enough to products already FDA-approved.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by transvaginal mesh, you may be entitled to compensation. Personal injury attorneys can assist you in understanding your legal rights and pursuing the justice you deserve. Our experienced lawyers at Murphy Law Firm specialize in cases involving defective medical devices and are dedicated to helping victims hold negligent manufacturers accountable. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and explore your legal options.

Problems Arise

In 2008, the FDA released a public health announcement notifying consumers of injuries caused by transvaginal mesh products – but the injuries were considered rare. However, after reviewing scientific research, the FDA updated its advisory in 2011 to reflect its findings that transvaginal mesh injuries were not rare. Of the over 300,000 transvaginal mesh operations in 2010 alone, over 10% failed. Based on scientific research gathered between 1996 and 2011, the FDA determined that there is no conclusive evidence that transvaginal mesh repairs improve the quality of life more so than non-mesh repairs, that trans vaginal mesh operations involve more risks than non-mesh repairs, and that transvaginal mesh repairs to correct prolapse may not cure the symptoms of prolapse.

Once implanted, the transvaginal mesh, a defective medical device, infuses with surrounding tissues and organs, making the process of removing the mesh difficult and sometimes impossible. In a study conducted by the Society of Genealogical Surgeons, 87% of women who had received a transvaginal mesh operation said they would not have had the operation if they had known prior to the surgery what they now know about the defective medical device. Surgical removal of the mesh, which involves a lengthy recovery, is costly and dangerous. Because this type of removal surgery is a relatively recent procedure, there are not many experts in the field. Therefore, removing all the mesh pieces could involve several surgeries and as many as seven removal surgeries for one patient have been documented in Baton Rouge.

Side Effects of Transvaginal Mesh

Transvaginal mesh erosion occurs when the rough edges of synthetic mesh cut the vaginal lining and nearby organs. This and other complications associated with transvaginal mesh also cause:

  • Organ perforation (includes injuries to bowel and bladder)
  • Vaginal infections, vaginal pain, vaginal bleeding, and vaginal scarring
  • Severe pain during intercourse (can happen to both partners
  • Inability to have intercourse
  • Urinary problems and obstruction of urethra
  • Abscesses and nerve injuries
  • Neuromuscular issues
  • Psychological and emotional problems
  • Vaginal shortening and tightening (mesh often contracts once implanted)
  • Recurrent prolapse or incontinence

Get Help from a Transvaginal Mesh Lawyer at Murphy Law Firm

If you or a member of your family is or has been a victim of transvaginal mesh injuries, please contact experienced personal injury attorney Peyton Murphy at (225) 928-8800 to schedule an appointment for a free initial consultation. The dedicated personal injury lawyers at Murphy Law Firm, LLC represent transvaginal mesh clients nationwide. If you’re located in Baton Rouge, stop by our offices to speak with one of our attorneys. If you’re not in the Baton Rouge area, don’t worry, our team will come to you, no matter if you’re in Prairieville, Gonzales, St. Francisville, or anywhere beyond!

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