
High Risk Occupations

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High Risk Occupations

Information & What To Do

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, heart, or abdomen. Caused primarily by the inhalation of asbestos fibers, mesothelioma is most commonly diagnosed in older individuals who worked with asbestos products in an industrial setting.Prognosis for mesothelioma is poor, but early detection and newer treatment methods have given many patients hope for survival. Mesothelioma is a long-developing cancer that can appear decades after the initial exposure asbestos particles.

Daily exposure to asbestos at work can lead to mesothelioma and other asbestos-related harms, including asbestosis and lung cancer. There are certain occupations that use asbestos more than others, and therefore put employees at great risk of exposure. If you work in any of the following jobs, seek help from our personal injury lawyers for your mesothelioma claim. There are high odds that you’re eligible for compensation.

Construction Workers

The construction industry has one of the highest use of asbestos-containing materials. Construction materials from cement and caulk to insulation and roofing shingles all have the potential to contain some amount of asbestos.

Construction is considered one of the most dangerous jobs because workers face a lot of risks. Though most accidents on the job occur from heavy machinery or dangerous falls, exposure is also a huge factor for these workers. It’s estimated that over 1 million construction workers are exposed to asbestos-containing materials each year. If you’ve been exposed to asbestos and diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s critical to explore your options for mesothelioma treatments and seek legal help to ensure you’re fully compensated for your suffering.

According to most recent NIOSH work-related lung disease report, nearly 15% of all malignant mesothelioma deaths in 1999 were workers in the construction industry.

Most At Risk Positions:

  • Drywall installers
  • Insulators
  • Demolition crews
  • Pipefitters
  • Roofers and tile setters
  • Masons
  • Flooring installers
  • Plasterers and cement workers

Examples of Asbestos Products:

  • Flintkote Tiles
  • Keasbey & Mattison Asbestos Shingle
  • National Gypsum Gold Bond Asbestos Siding and Panels
  • Ruberoid Roofing Asphalt
  • WR Grace & Company Zonolite Plaster
  • U.S. Gypsum Company Sheetrock Texture

Shipyard Workers

Shipyard workers have a variety of duties, including construction and maintenance of ships. Asbestos was very common on these ships because of its properties and could be found in almost any aspect of the ship, from the gaskets and seal compounds to the boilers.

Because of the high amount of asbestos used on these naval ships, Navy veterans are also at high risk. Asbestos was used widely throughout the military, however, so all veterans are vulnerable to being diagnosed with mesothelioma. Most At Risk Positions include:

  • Insulators
  • Steamfitters
  • Pipefitters
  • Boilermen
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians

Examples of Asbestos Products include:

  • Johns Manville gaskets
  • Ruberoid Imperial Insulation
  • Keene Corporation Endure Pipe Covering Block & Cement
  • Keasby & Mattison K&M Range Boiler Jacket
  • Atlas Turner Asbestos Lagging
  • Babcock & Wilcox Marine Boilers

These are just a few examples. There are many more that can introduce asbestos to a ship yard and cause the people inside to get sick. Most products wouldn’t even make you think twice, so that is why you need to be familiar with the symptoms of Mesothelioma.

Auto Mechanics

Whether working as a mechanic performing maintenance on a vehicle or aircraft, asbestos exposure is a big risk. Because many of the inner workings of a car or aircraft cause high heat and friction, asbestos was widely used in various parts because of its heat resistance. Today, asbestos is mostly present in older parts, but can also be present in vehicle or aircraft parts imported from other countries.

Auto repair shops often have poor ventilation and circulation, which can make the asbestos dust more concentrated in the air. Many workers aren’t even aware of asbestos in the products they’re using, so often don’t take precautions to avoid exposure.

In addition to the dangers of replacing these parts, mechanics also risk exposure through improper cleanup. Wiping parts with a dry rag or wiping away any dust in this manner can create airborne asbestos. Spraying water or using compressed air to clean various parts can also spread the asbestos around the facilities.

Most At Risk Positions:

  • Brake maintenance & replacement
  • Changing aircraft electrical components
  • Grinding and preparing parts for installation
  • Clutch repair & replacement

Examples of Asbestos Products:

  • Chrysler Corporation brake & clutch linings
  • Ford Motor Company brake & clutch linings
  • Bendix disc brake pads
  • Johns Manville Corporation gaskets
  • General Motors Corporation disc and drum brakes
  • Raymark Automatic Transmission Plates

Plant Workers

Power plant, chemical plant, and industrial plant workers all face varying degrees of asbestos exposure on the job. Power plant workers interact with and maintain boilers, generators, and turbines which all operate with the risk of combustion or heat damage. As such, much of the equipment was made with asbestos to lessen the risk, though it ultimately put the employees at great risk of dangerous exposure.

Industrial plant workers have a variety of responsibilities, but largely tend to mass quantities of manufactured goods, often performing mechanical or chemical processes throughout production. The majority of their tasks involve maintaining and repairing heavy machinery, many of which were made with various asbestos-containing materials.

Chemical plant workers also perform varied tasks, whether they’re working directly with the chemicals or operating and tending to the machines producing their goods. In addition to the equipment having many asbestos products, workers also would frequently wear protective clothing that contained asbestos. Because of its heat resistance, the fibers were used in many gloves, aprons, and coveralls the workers would wear.

Most At Risk Positions:

  • Millwrights
  • Machine operators
  • Distributors
  • Welders
  • Chemical technicians
  • Smelters

Examples of Asbestos Products

  • NARCO Anti-Erode
  • Raymark Cable Filler
  • Celotex Corporation Defendex Pipe Covering
  • Westinghouse Electric Corporation turbines
  • Harbison-Walker/Dresser H-W Lightweight Castable
  • Johns Manville Marinite Board


There are well over one million firefighters in the United States, both volunteers and those pursuing a career. Being a firefighter is a dangerous occupation for many reasons. Unfortunately, exposure to toxins like asbestos on the job is a serious risk. Many older buildings built before 1980 contain some asbestos materials. Even though asbestos was used for its heat resistance, in the event of a fire most these materials will begin to break down and release asbestos fibers into the air. Though in many cases, their protective gear will help prevent exposure, the fibers will continue to linger even after the fire is out. Protection is still vital even when the immediate danger of the flames has been extinguished.

The tragic events of 9/11 also created a lot of dangerous debris and airborne toxins, including asbestos. Reports estimate that around 410,000 people were exposed to these toxins during rescue and cleanup efforts. Since it can take 10 – 50 years for symptoms to show, those who helped during and after the attack should monitor their health and inform their doctor of potential exposure.

Most At Risk Positions:

  • Volunteer firefighter
  • Probationary firefighter
  • Career firefighter
  • Fire chief
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain

Examples of Asbestos Products

  • Rock Wool Asbestos Blanket
  • Asbestos helmets
  • 3M Rubber Coated Asbestos Cloth
  • Amatex Asbestos Cloth
  • Asbestos gloves
  • Fire doors

Electricians & Manufacturers


On top of resisting fire, asbestos is also tolerant to electricity. Electricians in charge of projects in residential areas and in businesses during the 1980s and earlier were likely exposed to asbestos at some point. Cutting and drilling into asbestos-filled materials releases the mineral into the air. Working with insulation, wiring applications, drywalls, ceiling tiles, insulation film, and other such materials all come with a risk of asbestos exposure.


Manufacturing facilities responsible for producing materials and goods that contained asbestos put their employees at risk daily. All staff members at manufacturing companies that cranked out asbestos-filled items in the 1900s may have related illnesses. The same is true for asbestos miners, who were responsible for mining and collecting this naturally-occurring mineral from its source. If you or a loved one worked in these industries in Baton Rouge and have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease, it’s crucial to seek legal guidance to explore your options for compensation.

Contact Our Experienced Mesothelioma Lawyers Today!

The list of workplaces that might expose employees to asbestos is long. After any asbestos-related diagnosis, seek help from our personal injury attorneys, regardless of your occupational history. You could have faced second-hand exposure from someone else even if you didn’t work directly around the mineral. Our lawyers team at Murphy Law Firm is ready to fight for your rights and help you navigate the complexities of asbestos-related claims.

Don’t delay! In Louisiana, the deadline to file a claim is one year after you’re diagnosed. Let the lawyers at Murphy Law Firm fight for you! Give us a call at (225) 623-4626, or visit our website to schedule your FREE initial consultation with one of our experienced mesothelioma lawyers in Baton Rouge.

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