
Symptoms of Mesothelioma

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Mesothelioma and Your Legal Rights

Information & What To Do

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that originates from asbestos exposure. Since it takes a high degree of exposure to contract mesothelioma, it is usually only people who have worked in high-risk mesothelioma occupations who contract the illness. Symptoms of mesothelioma can include shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, and persistent coughing. These symptoms often don’t appear until decades after exposure, which makes early detection challenging.

If you have mesothelioma, think you might be at risk, or have lost someone you love in a wrongful death caused by mesothelioma, our Baton Rouge mesothelioma lawyers can help you.

symptoms of mesothelioma

Murphy Law Firm, LLC is dedicated to providing aggressive litigation that is personally tailored to each client’s needs. Our lawyers team at Murphy Law Firm will help you decide whether you have a case, and we will help you get the compensation you need for medical bills, lost wages, mental anguish, and pain and suffering that has resulted from the illness.

“Most mesothelioma cases are work-related, arising from breathing asbestos fumes in factory or other production jobs. It is not fair to work your whole life only to suffer a serious illness as a result. As a family man myself, I want to make sure you are fairly compensated for your illness, so you can continue to provide for your family. Call me.” -Attorney Peyton Murphy

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Because decades can pass between the initial exposure to asbestos and detection and diagnosis of mesothelioma, it is essential to seek a medical evaluation if you have ever been exposed to asbestos. Then, contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

The symptoms are fairly obvious, and you will know something is wrong, however, they do coincide with several other illnesses, so doctors can often misdiagnose it as something else. That being said, be sure to let your doctor know that you were or could have been exposed to asbestos.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma include:

  • Shortness of Breath
  • Chest Pains
  • Coughing and Wheezing
  • Fluid Buildup in Chest
  • Bloated Chest

We can help you find a physician who understands mesothelioma and can check you specifically for asbestos-related illnesses. We will also make sure you get the compensation you need to get healthy again and get your life back.

Symptoms of Asbestosis

Asbestosis is a lung disease that can only be caused by a high level of exposure to asbestos. Most asbestos victims acquire it through prolonged exposure while working in high-risk occupations. Symptoms are similar to other lung disorders and include:

  • Breathing
  • Coughing
  • Chest Pain
  • Clubbing of Fingers

Since it can take many years from the time of asbestos exposure until asbestosis is discovered, it is essential to seek appropriate medical attention as soon as possible. Our personal injury lawyers can help you find a physician in Louisiana. After receiving medical care, make sure to contact a team of experienced, aggressive mesothelioma attorneys who can help you understand your options and who will fight on your behalf.

Get Help from an Experienced Mesothelioma Lawyer at Murphy Law Firm

Many people simply don’t know what to do if they are facing mesothelioma, especially if they have worked in industries with a history of asbestos exposure. Construction workers should be particularly concerned with mesothelioma, as they are often at a higher risk due to the prevalence of asbestos in older buildings and construction materials. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or think you may be at risk, we offer free consultations, so you can talk with one of our mesothelioma attorneys and learn about your options. We work on a contingency fee, meaning you will not have to pay attorney fees until we are successful in your case.

Give us a call at (225) 623-4626 or schedule a FREE consultation online. If you’re in Baton Rouge, stop by our office near Denham Springs to speak with a qualified Mesothelioma attorney to discuss your case. Even if you’re not located in the Baton Rouge area, Murphy Law Firm will come to you and fight to get the compensation and medical care you need and deserve!

Your Path to Legal Resolution Starts with Murphy Law Firm.

When you choose Murphy Law Firm, you gain access to a team of experienced attorneys with a proven track record of success. We understand the importance of trust, and we strive to build lasting relationships with our clients by delivering exceptional results.

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