
Prairieville Dog Bite Lawyer

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Prairieville Dog Bite Attorney

Dog attacks can cause serious injuries and lasting trauma. When the dog’s owner fails to take a reasonable level of care to prevent attack or damage, they can be held liable for the economic and non-economic damages of injuries caused by their dog. A skilled Prairieville dog bite lawyer can be a necessary ally if you have been hurt by a dog bite or attack. When you work with an attorney, you can recover and rest with the knowledge that your claim is in good hands. Our experienced team at Murphy Law Firm can help you in this situation. When you work with an attorney, you can recover and rest with the knowledge that your claim is in good hands.

hire skilled prairieville dog bite lawyer

Protecting Victims of Dog Attacks in Prairieville

When a dog owner can be held liable, you can recover the cost of your medical treatment, any income you lost during recovery, the repairs to your property, and the subjective costs of your pain and suffering. You are more likely to be successful in securing compensation when you have an attorney to help you build a claim immediately after the accident.

At Murphy Law Firm, our team has 150 years of collective experience and has worked in personal injury law for 30 years. This includes years of experience navigating claims against negligent animal owners for damage caused by their pets. These claims must be investigated and filed quickly, or evidence like witness testimony and video of the incident could be lost. Our team of skilled personal injury lawyers can guide you through the process and ensures that your rights are protected.

An attorney from Murphy Law Firm can help you determine if you have the grounds for a dog bite claim. We want to help you get the compensation you deserve and support your return to life as usual.

When Do I Have the Grounds for a Dog Bite Claim?

Dog owners and other animal owners can be held strictly liable when their animals cause damage to property or to people. However, certain requirements must be met for a pet owner to be strictly liable, and not all pet owners can be held liable. An element of negligence is required. In order to hold a dog owner liable, the following must be true:

  1. They knew their dog would cause damage with its behavior or should have known if they had taken reasonable care
  2. They had the ability to prevent the damage their dog caused if they had taken reasonable care
  3. They did not take reasonable care
  4. You were injured by the dog or suffered property damage without having first provoked the dog to attack

An attorney can investigate the dog attack and what the owner did or could have done to prevent it. Not all dog bites will result in claims, and it is crucial that you can demonstrate each element to hold the owner strictly liable. Louisiana also has specific requirements for owners of dogs that are considered dangerous. If the dog that attacked you was legally considered a dangerous dog, this can impact the case. Louisiana dog bite laws may play a significant role in determining the outcome of your claim.

Prairieville Dog Bite Lawyer

How Does an Attorney Help Me?

Working with an attorney allows investigation and evidence gathering to continue while you are physically recovering. Most dog attacks result in minor wounds. However, some can result in severe and life-altering injuries. You should be able to rest and recover while your legal support works to build a potential claim.

An attorney also has years of experience calculating personal injury claim damages. Many individuals underestimate the value of their injuries and only consider economic losses like medical bills.

Injuries, especially more serious injuries, have many other associated costs and consequences that impact your life. Your injury may require long-term physical therapy and treatment for emotional and mental trauma. A serious injury may also prevent you from doing your job for weeks or even months. These costs must be considered when negotiating a settlement, as well as the non-economic costs of the impact on your daily life. An experienced attorney can help you calculate this in your Louisiana personal injury settlement.


How Do You Negotiate a Dog Bite Settlement?

Negotiating a dog bite settlement requires a complete understanding of the economic and non-economic costs of your injuries, proof of the dog owner’s strict liability, and proof of your lack of fault.

It is easier to negotiate a dog bite settlement with a skilled personal injury attorney in Prairieville, Louisiana, who has experience calculating damages and can determine the full settlement you are owed. An attorney can advocate for your interests if the insurer claims you were to blame or undermines your injuries.

What Is a Level 3 Dog Bite?

A level 3 dog bite means there were between one and four punctures through the skin from one dog bite, and no punctures were longer than half the length of the dog’s teeth. There may also be lacerations. This is a categorization of the severity of a dog bite based on the Dunbar dog bite scale, which helps those in dog bite cases determine how much the bite affected the individual and their claim.

How Much Money Can I Get if I Get Bitten by a Dog?

The amount of money you can get after being bit by a dog depends on the severity of your injuries, the skill of your legal representation, the insurance coverage limits, and how much the injuries impact your day-to-day life.

If you sustained minor injuries, your compensation may not be as high since you may not miss as much work or have as many medical expenses. An attorney can make a more accurate estimate based on your particular circumstances.

How Long After a Dog Bite Does the Infection Set In?

There are different types of infectious diseases and infections that can be transmitted from a dog bite.

Individuals who have been bitten by a dog in Louisiana should treat minor wounds immediately and seek medical attention as soon as possible, especially when wounds are more severe. Infection can lead to long-term harm and even cause fatal reactions or diseases. Immediate medical care after any dog bite or attack is important for your personal well-being and your personal injury claim.

Contact Murphy Law Firm to Get Help with Your Dog Bite Case

Dog attacks can cause devastating injuries, especially if the individual is someone vulnerable, like a child, an elderly person, and/or someone who is disabled. Serious injuries can affect someone for the rest of their life. Do not weather the consequences alone. Contact Murphy Law Firm to see how we can help you recover the cost of these injuries.

Your Path to Legal Resolution Starts with Murphy Law Firm.

When you choose Murphy Law Firm, you gain access to a team of experienced attorneys with a proven track record of success. We understand the importance of trust, and we strive to build lasting relationships with our clients by delivering exceptional results.

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